Does your distribution need a rate shopper?

Revenue 25/01/2023

Discover what Price Seeker v4 can offer you

The technological ecosystem of tourist accommodation is not homogeneous. Depending on the type of establishment, the number of beds, the target market niche, the category or the distribution channels, among many other variables, each hotel, chain, hostel, aparthotel or holiday rental property will require different solutions to optimise its resources, maximise its income and increase its profitability.

Don't give up the basics

Of course, there are some basics that it is practically impossible (and not advisable) to do without. If you aspire to sell directly online, you will at the very least need a website and a booking engine. This is, without a doubt, the first step. But only that, no more, no less. From there, the concept of "need" is relative.

As direct selling specialists, we at Paraty Tech are well aware of what other resources are supposed to help boost direct bookings. Above all, however, we have always argued that technology is the means, not the end, and we will never recommend arming yourself to the teeth without properly justifying the usefulness of implementing certain tools. Strategy is king.

The crux of the matter

Y de eso precisamente trata este artículo. Hoy queremos analizar la importancia (o no) de apoyarse en un rate shopper para garantizar la correcta aplicación de tus políticas de precios en todos los canales de tu distribución. Whatever your target, the current distribution of your sales share and the percentage ratio between your intermediated sales and your direct sales. In other words, does your hotel distribution need a price intelligence platform like Price Seeker v4?

In the following, we present different examples of possible variants of hotel distribution, explaining their particularities and trying to give an answer in each case to the question posed.

Your distribution depends mainly on Booking, you need to get to the detail. It is essential to know on which rates Genius is being applied, the latest available rooms, the cheapest rates, etc. All this information is provided by Price Seeker v4, helping you in the whole process.

You have a very varied distribution and it is very difficult to keep track of all these channels and give them the attention they deserve. With Price Seeker v4 you can. We monitor more than 200 distribution sites, including dynamic package sales channels and tour operators.

Your hotel relies heavily on third parties, so it requires more analysis of these distribution channels, and your main bookings come from tour operators or package holidays. Price Seeker v4 monitors your competition in these channels so that you don't miss even the smallest difference.

Direct selling is where you're earning the most revenue and, of course, you want to keep it that way. Price Seeker v4 not only helps you keep it that way, but also helps you manage your channel better. Real Time Parity, Opportunity Cost, etc. Want to know more, ask us!

Conclusion: a rate shopper, the best possible ally
As you can see, all roads lead to... Price Seeker v4. The conclusion you should come to is that, regardless of the picture that your distribution draws, a rate shopper or a price intelligence platform is undoubtedly one of those basics that we alluded to in the first lines of the article. What may vary is the use you make of this tool, as well as the indicators that are most relevant to your establishment.

But monitoring your prices and those of your competitors throughout your distribution network, knowing the opportunity cost of your disparities and the evolution of your parity index, not losing sight of the commercial strategies of the OTAs or knowing the general state of the market in which you work, is fundamental. This is unquestionable.

At Paraty Tech we know that not all hoteliers have the same needs. That is why we have reinvented the rate shopper concept. Price Seeker has mutated into a comprehensive price intelligence platform and is now marketed through three different packages (Professional, Advanced and Enterprise). Starting at just €49 per month, they go from low to high in terms of the amount of data they include and provide.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. We also invite you to try Price Seeker. It's as simple as filling in a short form and we will provide you with a 14-day Free Demo. Quick and easy.